Contact Information:
PO Box 564
Buffalo, NY 14205 USA
Published: December 9, 2024
Effective: December 20, 2024
At DBP, we respect your privacy. We want to ensure that you get the information, content, and experiences that matter most to you. We are committed to protecting the privacy of anyone using DBP smartphone application software.
This privacy policy applies to developers and auditors of the smartphone application software for DBP plus the investor (hereinafter, variously, 'pseudonym', 'participant', 'author', 'sponsor', or 'investor'), who shares limited aspects of trade history they add to a stock portfolio which is tracked for 52 weeks (hereinafter, variously, a 'challenge', or '52 weeks').
Information collected and shared by DBP
– A person contributes information while using DBP software; first, by creating a unique pseudonym which identifies a stock portfolio, then adding or modifying trade history, and finally, sharing limited percentage-based comparative results
– Audits are routinely conducted to validate system and stock portfolio performance results via auditor-created pseudonyms and auditor-created trade histories (only)
– A sponsor of a challenge is also a pseudonym who creates a stock portfolio, who may publish the performance results for all participants over a span of 52 weeks
– The installed application software from DBP creates synchronized encrypted access to identify the pseudonym's authorship of trade history and also allows pseudonyms to control their portfolios in accredited third-party remote data storage
– DBP software also protects privacy by using mirrored resources: the pseudonym's smartphone data storage and remote storage with its rollback safeguard that handles internet interruptions
– A pseudonym's portfolio created on one smartphone cannot be modified or viewed by a pseudonym created on a different smartphone
– The number of shares and all dollar value amounts are only viewable by the pseudonym who authored the trade history
– The progress of percent-based scoring performance, including the stock symbol for the top heavily weighted stock of a portfolio, is shared with other participants in a challenge, and may be published by the sponsor
– Pseudonyms discuss investment-relevant information with other participants, including the topic of risk-tolerance, which may also be published by the sponsor
– Pseudonyms share the point gain and percent gain of their portfolio index, where its relative size reveals the impact of time (only) to point value
– A pseudonym can arbitrarily identify whether trade history is real, a mix of real and fictional stock choices, or completely fictional
– DBP application software shares a third-party information provider of real-time stock quotes which has a 50-year limit to historic prices
– A Did-Not-Finish (hereinafter, 'DNF' ) may be shared with all pseudonyms when unacceptable actions cause a pseudonym to receive a DNF response from either a sponsor or auditor, or via notifications viewable by all pseudonyms using the application software
– A pseudonym who is either a sponsor or auditor may share notifications with all pseudonyms about privacy issues
– A pseudonym who publishes challenge data must subscribe as a sponsor and share private information with DBP’s accredited third-party financial facilitator, from which DBP receives a confirmation number, timestamp, and dollar amount for future reference
Reporting a Concern
You can report concerns about content or privacy by submitting them online in the application software or use the contact information (above).